Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal’s spring symposium. “Name, Image, and Likeness: The Evolution College Athletics” was a huge success!
Andrew Zimbalist gave an engaging keynote address that provided background on how and why we arrived at the current state of NIL, including by explaining the relevant case law. Professor Zimbalist also discussed economic, educational, and equity concerns. Professor Zimbalist argued that because most college athletes do not end up in professional sports, the money flowing into college athletics should be devoted to, at least partially, ensuring athletes are more well-balanced while attending college.
The day’s first panel on Race, Gender, and Equity addressed various emerging issues, including graduation rate gaps among genders and races, effects of boosters, and mental health concerns.
Our second panel, Regulations & Other Congressional Concerns, provided a lively discussion of a variety of issues, including free speech, federal employment laws, NIL collectives, and the role of congress in NIL regulations.
We extend our sincerest thanks to all our panelists and moderators: Sam Ehrlich, Len Elmore, Dan Lust, Matt Mitten, Jo Potuto, Kassandra Ramsey, Maureen Weston, John Wolohan, Felix Wu, and Andrew Zimbalist.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at next year’s symposium.
More information on “Name, Image, and Likeness: The Evolution College Athletics” can be found here.