1992-93 Archive

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Volume 11, Issue 3

Fair Use Misconstrued: Profit, Presumptions, and Parody
William F. Patry & Shira Perlmutter

Copyright Protection: Has Look & Feel Crashed?
John M. Walker, Jessica D. Litman, Susan G. Braden, Anthony L. Clapes, Henry B. Gutman, Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss, Frank J. Macchiarola, and Marci A. Hamilton,

Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Law of Obscenity and the Assault on Genius
Linda Kauffman

Excerpt: Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Law of Obscenity and the Assault on Genius
Edward de Grazia

Outing: Justifiable or Unwarranted Invasion of Privacy? The Private Facts Tort as a Remedy for Disclosures of Sexual Orientation
Barbara Moretti

Self-Help & Contributory Infringement: The Law and Legal Thought Behind a Little ‘Black-Box’
Nicholas E. Sciorra

Perfection of Security Interests in Copyrights: The Peregrine Effect on the Orion Pictures Plan of Reorganization
Steven Weinberger

Volume 11, Issue 2

Comparing Broadcast Structures: Transnational Perspectives and Post-Communist Examples
Monroe Price

European Law: A Case Study of Changes in National Broadcasting
Willem F. Korthals Altes

The Corporate State and Broadcasting in Ireland: A National-Popular Program
Desmond Bell

The Screening of Jacques Tati: Broadcasting and Cultural Identity in the European Community
Richard Collins

Euroculture: Communications, Community, and Identity in Europe
Kevin Robins & David Morley

Television in Europe
Monroe Price

Volume 11, Issue 1

The Art of Appropriation: Puppies, Piracy, and Post-Modernism
Lynne A. Greenberg

500 Years After Columbus: Promoting and Protecting Multiculturalism and the Arts
Sherri L. Burr

Protecting Native American Culture
Leonard D. DuBoff

International Dimensions
Teresa McGuire

The Legality and Efficacy of the National Basketball Association Salary Cap
Jeffrey E. Levine

The Case for Televised Executions
Gil Santamarina

DAT’s All Folks: Cahn v. Sony and the Audio Home Recording Act of 1991- Merrie Melodies or Looney Tunes?
Gary S. Lutzker