Merely a few weeks ago we discussed a trademark infringement suit initiated by Adidas against Forever 21. Forever 21 had allegedly copied Adidas’s famous three-stripe trademark. The infamous fast fashion company is now in trouble with a brand that many…
It looks like (Amazon) and Multi Time Machine (MTM) may be going to trial, as the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently reversed a district court’s summary judgment in a trademark infringement suit against Amazon. In a…
Adidas recently filed a lawsuit against Forever 21, Inc. and Central Mills, Inc., in which Adidas claims that Forever 21 and Central Mills allegedly infringed Adidas’s famous three-stripe trademark. The lawsuit was filed in federal district court in Portland, Oregon,…
In America’s burgeoning foodie culture, food is increasingly being embraced as art. At many high-end restaurants, food is intricately created, carved and designed, and placed with artistic precision and perfection on each plate before being delivered to diners. Color combinations,…
In June 2014, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) shocked football fans everywhere when it granted a petition to cancel six Washington Redskins trademark registrations. Filed by Navajo Amanda Blackhorse and four other Native Americans, the petition sought to…
The phrase “patent troll” has been an Internet buzzword for almost a decade but the search for and implementation of effective tools to curb patent trolling is undoubtedly an ongoing endeavor. This blog post surveys current efforts to restrain patent…
((“Copyright is for losers©™” is attributed to Banksy)) To exist in intellectual property’s “negative space” is characterized as existing in “the territory where IP law might regulate, but (perhaps for accidental or nonessential reasons) does not.” ((Kal Raustiala and Christopher…
Joshua Bloomgarden’s note, Share His Dream: A Fair Use Standard for Historico-Political Figures’ Rights of Publicity, 31 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 149, has been cited by Callmann on Unfair Compet., TMs, & Monopolies in Section 22:32, Use of a natural person’s identity;…
We are so proud to congratulate our Volume 31 Editor-in-Chief, Sarah L. Farhadian, on having her Note cited by Callmann on Unfair Competition, Trademarks and Monopolies (4th Edition). Sarah’s Note, Stealing Bacardi’s Thunder: Why the Patent and Trademark Office Should Stop Registering…
Author: David Bonilla, J.D Candidate, Class of 2014, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knockoffs in the marketplace. One need only take a brisk walk through Times…
Author: David Bonilla, J.D Candidate, Class of 2014, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Networking remains the name of the hiring-game. As the summer rapidly approaches and IP-minded Cardozo students continue their attempts to secure IP-related summer employment, Cardozo’s Intellectual Property Law…
Author: Adam Hirst, J.D Candidate, Class of 2014, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law The Cardozo Intellectual Property Society hosted Mr. Bernard Knight, the current General Counsel of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), for a discussion of his role as the chief attorney…