The Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal is pleased to host our spring symposium: Name, Image, Likeness: The Evolution of College Athletics
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This symposium will bring together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss the current state of “NIL,” emerging legal and policy issues, and the future of the right to publicity law for college athletes. The event will consist of a keynote address followed by two moderated panels. Professor Andrew Zimbalist, will begin the event with a keynote address where he will provide an overview of “NIL”, discussing where it came from, what it is turning into, and where it will lead college sports, focusing on economic, educational, and equity considerations.
Cocktail hour to follow the event.
CLE Materials:
- Knight Comm’n on Intercollegiate Athletics, Achieving Racial Equality in College Sports (2021)
- Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto, Two, Four, Six, Eight; What Can We Now Regulate?The Regulatory Mentality and NCAA Satellite Camps (et Al), 35 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 287 (2017)
- Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto, The NCAA Student-Athlete Reinstatement Process: Say What?, 63 Buff. L. Rev. 297 (2015)
- Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto, The Athletic Department Compliance Job: Descriptive and Prescriptive, 61 Santa Clara L. Rev. 87 (2020)
- Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto, The NCAA Rules Adoption, Interpretation, Enforcement, and Infractions Process: The Laws that Regulate Them and the Nature of Court Review, 12 Vanderbilt J. Ent. & Tech L. 257 (2010)
- Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto, William H. Lyons & Kevin N. Rask, What’s in a Name? The Collegiate Mark, the Collegiate Model, and the Treatment of Student-Athletes, 92 Ore. L. Rev. 879 (2014)
- Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto, A Fine Mess: The NCAA, the Collegiate Model, and the Post-Alston World, forthcoming Okla. L. Rev. (Fall 2023)
- Kassandra Ramsey, Alston v. NCAA: Athlete Scholarships Fight may go to Supreme Court, Unafraid Show (July 11, 2020), https://unafraidshow.com/2020/07/11/could-alston-v-ncaa-antitrust-go-to-the-supreme-court/
- Kassandra Ramsey, United States Supreme Court Rules in Favor of College Athletes, Unafraid Show (June 22, 2021), https://unafraidshow.com/2021/06/22/united-states-supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-college-athletes/
- Sam C. Ehrlich & Neal C. Ternes, Putting the First Amendment in Play: Name, Image, and Likeness Policies and Athlete Freedom of Speech, 45 Colum. J.L. & Arts 47 (2021)
- Sam C. Ehrlich, “But They’re Already Paid”: Payments In-Kind, College Athletes, and the FLSA, 123 W. Va. L. 1 (2020)
- Lauren Bernstein & Dan Lust, How NY’s Student-Athlete NIL Law Fits Within NCAA Guidance, Law360 (Dec. 16, 2022), https://www.law360.com/articles/1558968/how-ny-s-student-athlete-nil-law-fits-within-ncaa-guidance
- Matthew J. Mitten, NCAA Student-Athlete Eligibility Rules: From Post-Board of Regents Per Se Legality to Post-Alston Rule of Reason Legal Uncertainty, 13 Harv. J. Sports & Ent. L. (2021) https://harvardjsel.com/special-issue-fall-2021-ncaa-v-alston/
- Matthew J. Mitten, How Is the Integrity of Sport Protected in the United States?, 19 Tex. Rev. Ent. & Sports L. 89 (2019)
- John T. Wolohan, What Is Reasonable: Are the NCAA’s Restraints on Athlete Compensation Reasonable?, 67 Syracuse L. Rev. 515 (2017)
- John T. Wolohan, Book Review: College Athletes for Hire: The Evolution and Legacy of the NCAA’s Amateur Myth, 10 Marq. Sports L. J. 161 (1999)
- Maureen A. Weston, Gamechanger: NCAA Student-Athlete Name & Likeness Licensing Litigation and the Future of College Sports, 3 Miss. Sports L. Rev. 79 (2014)
- Jayma Meyer & Andrew Zimbalist, A Win Win: College Athletes Get Paid for Their Names, Images, and Likenesses and Colleges Maintain the Primacy of Academics, 11 J. Sports & Ent. L. 301 (2020)
- Andrew Zimbalist, NILs, Surrogate Markets And The Future Of College Sports, FORBES (OCT. 27, 2021, 8:00 AM), https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewzimbalist/2021/10/27/nils-surrogate-markets-and-the-future-of-college-sports/
- Andrew Zimbalist, Whither College Sports: Amateurism, Athlete Safety, And Academic Integrity (2021)
- Gerald Gurney, Donna A. Lopiano & Andrew Zimbalist, Unwinding Madness: What Went Wrong With College Sports? And How To Fix It Ch. 1 (2019)
- Len Elmore, Exempt the NCAA From Antitrust, Chronicle of Higher Education (Dec. 11, 2011), https://www.chronicle.com/article/exempt-the-ncaa-from-antitrust/