2L Staffers Selected for Publication

The Editorial Board is proud to congratulate Michael Beck Peter Busch Nathalie De Choudens Stephanie Diehl Kate Dolinska Kara Goldman Jennifer Lee Marla Merchut Elise Michael Brandon Miller Shanice Naidu Jennifer Yeh Michael Zimmerman on the selection of their Notes…

Publication Annoucement

The Editorial Board is proud to congratulate Michael Beck Peter Busch Kate Dolinska Elise Michael Jennifer Yeh Michael Zimmerman on the selection of their Notes for publication!

Creative Destruction in Cariou v. Prince

Author: Anthony R. Enriquez, J.D., New York University School of Law 2013. When portrait photographer Patrick Cariou saw that his original photos of Jamaican Rastafarians had been used by renowned appropriation artist Richard Prince in a collage series called “Canal…

The Economic Puzzle that is the Art Market

Author: Gregory Day, Associate, Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP The manner in which buyers, sellers, and dealers conduct art transactions appears, at least initially, to contradict established economic principles. This blog post seeks to identify and illustrate this phenomenon using examples…